Veolia Energie has implemented an uninterrupted communication system with minimal costs.

The Veolia Energie Group is one of the most important producers and suppliers of heat, chill, electricity, and other energy commodities in the Czech Republic. It provides energy services to cities, municipalities, and their inhabitants, medical and school facilities, industrial enterprises, and public institutions. This is why they must make sure that their system can operate in all circumstances. To achieve this goal, they needed an uninterrupted communication system.
Case study was published 28.12.2021


  • Modernize a telecommunication network while protecting prior investments as much as possible
  • Centralize multiple separate exchanges to a single site and ensure unified administration
  • Uninterrupted operation 24/7 and with high system availability
  • Redundant site connectivity
  • The ability to record calls in compliance with effective legislation


  • Interconnect hybrid communication networks to ensure unified analogue, digital, and IP communication with unified central management and mobile phone integration
  • A geographically redundant multi-tier infrastructure operation
  • Modern SIP communication supplemented by backup ISDN lines
  • The ability to record mobile phones

Results & benefits

Six exchanges in fourteen sites transferred to a single central location

Central management and confirmation from a single place

A backed-up and redundant communication system with uninterrupted operation capability

Significant cost savings due to the backward compatibility of Avaya technologies