Archives: Pracovné ponuky
Customer Solutions Representative (Coordinator / Dispatcher for technical team)
- Responsible for validating customer entitlement, log case for the purpose of routing or dispatching an end-user to the proper resources.
- Monitor the service event through completion for compliance.
- Manage the service requests of customers through different access channels.
- Reviews customer feedback related to customer entitlement & case management. Provide basic analysis of cases.
- Dispatching the requests from customers based on team processes via phone, email, and internal ticketing tool (Saleforce)
- Support for external clients (topics regarding issues with servers and datacentres)
SAP Enterprise Architect (Development)
Sr. SAP Finance Consultant
Application Tester
– Quality Control
– Team cooperation
– Design, write and execute manual test scenarios
– Write, run and evaluate automated tests
– Report bugs and failures
IT Analytik
- analýza požiadaviek
- konzultácie s biznisom
- komplexný návrh IT riešenia do interného systému s prepojením na SAP
- dokumentácia pre implementáciu a následná komunikácia s developermi
- súčinnosť pri testovaní
Test Support Analyst
Test Planning:
- Study and understand card scheme mandates
- Create test plans based on the requirements of card schemes and clients
- Read and comprehend business requirement documents and feasibility studies
Certification Support:
- Perform POS and ATM certification tests and document the results
- Communicate internally with delivery teams
- Keep certification tools and applications up to date
Test Support:
- Plan and execute bank card-related business tests (POS, ATM, online interface testing)
- Support incident investigations
- Communicate with clients
- Prepare test scripts and scenarios
Security System Engineer
- Implementácia, konfigurácia a údržba pokročilých bezpečnostných riešení.
- Analýza, diagnostikovanie a riešenie vzniknutých technických problémov a bezpečnostných incidentov.
- Pravidelná komunikácia so zákazníkom na profesionálnej úrovni.
- Spolupráca s ostatnými členmi tímu.